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Friday, July 20, 2012


As deployment comes closer and the thought of leaving your loved ones is harder.... think of what you can do to make it just a little easier on you and your spouse.  Here are some great ideas of things to do, to make this time apart fun, engaging, and quick.
  • Pre-order flowers to be delivered on specific dates: Anniversaries, Birthdays, Holiday's, or just because, it means you're thinking about them.
  • Call a friend, have them bring lunch to your spouse, or flowers or balloons, tell them to say it's a special delivery from YOU.... Your family and friends will love to pull this off for you.
  • Arrange for your Parents or friends to babysit for an evening or night, and tell them to give your spouse tickets to a movie.
  • When people ask "What can I do to help," tell them to mow your yard, trim your trees, walk the dog, or babysit once a week.... you have no idea how appreciative your spouse will be.
  • Write little notes and hide them throughout the house is cupboards, drawers, cabinets, the silverware drawer... just little reminders of you that they'll find when you're gone.
  • Write a note on the mirror, something she'll see everyday.
  • Pre-record a video of you, telling your loved one how much you love them, miss them and are proud of them for remaining strong.
  • Pre-record a video of you reading a book or two to your children, or a special message for the older kids... they will play them over and over when you're gone.
  • Write a note or letter.... mail it when you leave so they get it once you're gone.
Okay, if that's not enough, I've added a little video with a great idea~

Remember Soldiers.... Your families worry and pray for you each and every day, 24/7, 365 days a week, there is no vacation from the fear and worries of deployment.  Use this time to ROMANCE each other, make it a love story... your very own love story.  You determine what the outcome is....

CLICK HERE: A Soldier's Romantic Gesture

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