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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Tribute: "Nation Under Fire." - by Craig Sheppard

Please stop to take a moment today to remember those that lost their lives on 9/11 and those that continue to fight for our freedom in defending it every day.

A good friend of mine put together a tribute, please enjoy~  Tessa


Good Morning,

It was eleven years to this day and date and minute when I walked down the stairs to the living room of our second apartment here in Texas. My wife Jenni, was at work with Bank One (now Chase) and I was just starting my day. It was early, around 7:50 AM, and the phone rings. It is my wife telling me to turn the TV to a news channel. A plane had just crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York.

As I watched the television, it was more science fiction than reality. I was watching some news channel with a man talking and behind him a second plane flew into the South Tower of the World Trade Center. As the minutes turned into hours, news came that two additional planes had been flown to their demise. One into the Pentagon, another into a field in Pennsylvania. All in all, thousands of lives were lost that day, never to see their loved ones again.

Later that day, as I walked our dog, I looked up to the sky and for the first time in my life, the skies were empty. Again, surreal.

Things slowly tried to get back to normal, but they never were, and never will be. We went to war in two countries; the appropriateness of one many will debate for years to come. As I raise my two young boys, I try to raise them to be aware of the world in which their father grew up, but temper that knowledge with the world in which they live now.

On September 16, 2001, still filled with raw emotion of the events just five days previous, I pounded out this song, "Nation Under Fire." Today, eleven years later, I am honored to present to you the finished work. If it in any way takes you back to the moments of 9/11, and helps you find some small bit of solace, then the whole thing is worth it. It is important that we never forget those we lost, and those who would sacrifice so much to keep America great.


Craig L Sheppard

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